There's no place like home

Baronsdown is an important sanctuary for wildlife.

We know it’s not possible to visit at the moment given the global pandemic, so we encourage you to download our spotters' guide and animal advocate activities to get in touch with the wildlife outside your home this winter!

Whilst you’re browsing through our digital sanctuaries suite, please remember that Baronsdown requires continuous maintenance. This maintenance is only possible thanks to your support, your donations offers a lifeline to animals looking for a home free from persecution in the name of sports.

The support you offer today could:

  • Help maintain our trusty Land Rovers and quad bikes that need to be kept functional
  • Install new security cameras, especially given the cameras on Cove Down have recently withstood an attack
  • Install and maintain secure fencing around our sanctuary borders designed to keep out intruders
  • Replace signs that are stolen and vandalised

Together, we can ensure that our sanctuaries are there for animals when they need food, warmth and shelter most this winter.